
Silence Isn't Golden

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IvanLovesHisAngel's avatar

Literature Text

Silence Isn't Golden
A "Troubled Pleasantries" fan fiction.


Silence wasn't golden. No one knew that better then Aarykai. It was blood red.

The price for silence was steep, the punishment bubbling just under the edge of Aarykai's endurance point. But his lips stayed sealed together. He had a sharp tongue when it was set loose, and if the punishment for silence seemed overly brutal, the punishment for disobeying and talking back could make it seem like a walk in the park.

Because Aarykai couldn't stand to tell his master what he really wanted to hear....

Biting his bottom lip so hard that a few drops of precious crimson slipped down his chin, Aarykai held down a cry, choking it back along with his barely suppressed tears and whimpers.

"Come now, my pet.... Is it really so hard?"

Aarykai closed his eyes tightly, barely containing a sharp whimper of pain as another thick needle pierced his chest, burring so deep that the razor sharp tip scraped and dug into the bone of one of his ribs.

"Y-yes...." He gasped painfully, trying to spare himself the pain of the next needle in a moment of weakness.

His tormentor's red eyes seemed truly hurt. He was a hard-handed master, but his heart was never in it when it came to Aarykai. Trivon had an unusual soft-spot for his hybrid pet. If it weren't for Aarykai's amazing ability to heal so rapidly, Trivon would probably never have it in him to punish him.

But there were no exceptions. None. Not with Yerwon, not with Ulrav... not with Aarykai. No matter how stubborn his beloved pet could be, there could be not exceptions or signs of weakness. Aarykai may or may not turn on him... but the other most certainly would. Hybrids were easy... as long as you kept them in line. Once they got even the slightest of upper-hands or saw a flicker of weakness, their animal instincts would take over, and they would seek out and drive down the weaker links, establishing their own dominance.

They were brutal but beautiful creatures. Aarykai was different from the rest, but not so much in the way that he wouldn't take the opportunity in an instant to come out on top of the rest.

Still, the soft-spot for the rebel was there... so when Aarykai refused to say the oath every morning, Trivon would take him out of sight of the others, rather then always make a full example of him.

Aarykai was far too stubborn for his own good, and too quick-witted, and it got him in trouble. Without weapons, Aarykai used his words to climb above his opponents. Namely the other hybrids. But it was habit, automatic, and he couldn't contain retorts and arguments where opportunity presented itself. Like during the morning oath. Aarykai only spoke what he believed, and the oath was a bitter lie on his tongue, and instead of the practiced verses rolling out mechanically and easily as with the other hybrids, it would catch in throat and be replaced by dark mutterings of disagreement and rebuttal. Best to stay silent and endure the punishment of refusing the oath then to speak against it and endure the punishment of disgracing it.

Trivon sighed bitterly, the thick, cruel needle hovering over it's intended target- another of Aarykai's ribs- swaying slightly with uncertainty. His poor hybrid already looked like a living version of a voodoo doll, with needles digging into five of his ribs (they had to stay in, or else the hybrid would heal them instantly) and one into each of his elbows and knee caps. It was excruciating, the pain that the razor sharp, large needles caused when left buried in the bone, and Trivon knew it.

Aarykai was bound to a wooden pole set deep in the earth. His hands bound tight and too high above his head. His ankles were bound together at the base of the pole, standing on the tips of his clawed toes to try and relieve even the smallest amount of pressure from his arms. The sky was slightly overcast over the Torture Grounds, and Aarykai silently prayed for rain to ease the stinging of the needles. But the only rain he felt was that of salt water. The top of the pole held a bucket of the burning stuff, and a small pipe with holes in it leading from it. Water filled the pipe, which had two small iron balls in it that covered two holes each (four small holes total in the pipe). The slightest tap on the pole could send the little balls rolling gently one way or the other, and the thin streams of saltwater would be temporarily rain down on the bound and bleeding victim. So it was best to hold still if you could.

The blonde man sighed again, this time with obvious regret, and pressed the needle into the lynx hybrid's flesh, twisting it slightly.

Aarykai whimpered, breathing hard through his nose, since his lips stayed so tightly closed that they had turned white from the pressure, his eyes squeezed shut as betraying tears leaked down his cheeks.

Trivon's heart lurched a little in his chest. "If you would speak the oath, you would not suffer so much pain, Kai. You know how I hate this." As he spoke, his right hand came up and his fingertips brushed gently against Aarykai's cheek, stroking the very fine fur.

The lynx hybrid allowed his lips to part as he tried to take steadying, deep breaths, much as it pained his ribs to do so. His panting trembled the pole just enough to nudge the iron balls in the pipe and a few trickles of salt water dripped onto the hybrid's chest, seeping into the small wounds around the long needles, making them burn and itch, and Aarykai breathed in a sharp hiss of pain. "Then wh-why do you d-do it?" Aarykai half hissed, his words lashing out with the freedom of his open lips.

The blonde half-demon pressed the heel of his palm to flat head of one of the needles and pressed it in hard until the hybrid whimpered again in pain. "You know why." He growled softly.

The needles were more like extremely long, extremely thin nails. The heads were small but flat, so that they could be hammered- or rather, tapped inch by painful inch- into the victim's bones.

Aarykai gasped slightly as Trivon lifted the pressure from the needle. He kept his hazel green eyes turned down onto the ground, not once lifting them to meat his master's gaze. He bit the inside of his cheek slightly, keeping himself silent.

Trivon sighed unhappily again and dropped the remaining four needles so that they clattered softly to the ground. "You're hopeless, Aarykai." He muttered, his hand still stoking the side of the lynx hybrid's face.

Only slightly heartened at the sound of the tinkling metal, Aarykai held back a small sigh of relief, even if he was still in a lot of pain. He closed his hazel eyes and pressed his cheek against the palm of Trivon's hand. "Sorry...." He murmured, and there was true conviction in his words.

The red eyed half-demon knew it was only Aarykai wanting to be untied... but Trivon's heart softened a little in his chest. It was amazing how irritating his most beloved pet could be. Trivon brought himself closer to his pet, close enough that he felt the blunt ends of the needles pressing against his chest, knowing that would cause Aarykai discomfort, and gently pressed his lips to the hybrid's.

Aarykai's jaw twitched slightly, an old reaction, then parted his lips, his tongue flicking out along Trivon's lip timidly. It was not a request for entrance, but more like coaxing Trivon's tongue to come out and play.

Trivon felt the small twitch in Aarykai's jaw and it sent his memories surfacing. The first time he had kissed his pretty new pet, Aarykai had bitten him. Hard. And if saltwater dripping down on small puncture wounds seemed painful, it was nothing compared to buckets of the stinging liquid splashed over a back that was still taking the lashings from the whip.

As he felt Aarykai's tongue against his lips, his heart melted inside his chest. He couldn't help it. His own tongue slid past Aarykai's lips and into his moist, welcoming mouth, drawing a small whimpering moan from the young hybrid.

When the kiss deepened, Trivon pressed a little closer to Aarykai. This had been the concealed whimper in his moan. Trivon's chest was pressing against his own some, digging the needles in his chest painfully against the bone of his ribs. And their movement sent saltwater trickling down over them. Most of the water was absorbed harmlessly by Trivon's body pressed over Aarykai's chest, but a few drops fell on Aarykai's arms, trickling down to this elbows and seeping painfully around the needles in his stretched joints.

Trivon broke away from the kiss, his hands resting gently on Aarykai's hips, fingertips tracing the edge of the hybrid's thin-clothed pants- his only clothing. The blonde half-demon tenderly kissed the corners of Aarykai's lips. "Say the oath, my pet." He whispered quietly.

Aarykai's eyes flickered halfway open, but he shook his head, so that his nose brushed softly along his master's cheek. He was beginning to remember how much his arms and feet ached, from being stretched like this. The throbbing pain was increasing in his strained joints slightly.

The half-demon smirked and wondered for a moment who was teasing who. The master or the slave? His own nails grew slightly claw like, though nothing so lethal as that of his pretty little pet's permanent claws.

Trivon kissed at the top of the hybrid's throat. "Say it." He said quietly, no more measure of authority in his voice then a few seconds before, the command soft-hearted but at the same time threatening. His now-clawed fingertips pressed gently against the lynx hybrid's soft sides. He hated pulling his demon half on his precious pet.

Aarykai trembled slightly, automatically, as he felt the sharp tips of Trivon's short claws on his sides. The movement caused more saltwater to drip from the pipe. But the water level in the bucket must have been getting low, because hardly any water fell. Again the hybrid shook his head slightly, nipping apologetically at his master's ear, just within rage of his delicately pointed teeth. "I can't...." He whimpered softly, pain still racing through the nerves in his body.

A little more pressure was applied at Aarykai's sides. Trivon's mouth felt slightly crowded as his fangs grew in. Less delicate and far more lethal then Aarykai's. He kissed his pet's fine-furred throat, then pressed his fangs against the tender flesh gently. "Everyone must say the oath every morning, Kai, my pet." He murmured, his voice dangerously even, though he would have liked to stop at the threatening. "You are no exception."

"I know...." Aarykai said shakily, the pain of his wounds not causing quite enough discomfort to distract away from the currently-soft touches of his master. Not matter how badly Trivon could treat Aarykai, the hybrid could not hate his tormentor. Hate was something Aarykai reserved for his enemies. Maybe one day, he might try to be on good behavior. He would like to see how his master would treat him.... One day.

Hybrids were bound by their word, which was why Trivon made his pets say the oath every day. Each day it bound them to their word. The hybrids were a proud race. In captivity they had nothing other then their pride and loyalty to guard, and so they were bound by their word. Or they could suffer the humility and possible death for shaming their race. Pride of their honor and loyalty was not something a hybrid could loose. That was why Aarykai never spoke anything other then what he truly believed.

A soft warning growl thrummed in the back of Trivon's throat. "You won't say it willingly?" Even with the underlining growl, Trivon's voice seemed almost pleading for a moment as he applied just the slightest bit more pressure at his clawed fingertips, nipping softly at the lynx hybrid's neck.

There was a small fluttering of something like a cross between fear and anticipation in Aarykai's chest, but he nodded sadly, trying one more time to win mercy from his master by nuzzling his face gently against Trivon's neck. "No...." He whispered quietly.

Trivon's heart wasn't in his next actions, but he knew it was necessary. His precious pet may not be broken for life, but he needed to be broken for a day at least. Rebellion couldn't be tolerated this way. Still... his chest ached slightly as Aarykai nuzzled pleadingly against him. It almost shattered his resolve completely, but his demon half could be twice as stubborn as any hybrid, and he let it makes some decisions for him right now.

Within seconds, new pain erupted so sharp and brutal that the pain of the needles felt like nothing but bug bites. Trivon's claws tore and then plunged in to the soft flesh of Aarykai's sides, and at the same time his fangs drove into the hybrid's neck, sinking in deep and hard.

Aarykai let out a shrill screech, not unlike the sound of a yowling lynx. His back arched in pain, even as stretched on the pole as he was. Blood poured freely down his sides and down his neck just as quickly as the tears started streaking down the hybrid's face, his beautiful features contorted in agony. The words of the oath sprang to his lips, but he swallowed them down hard as a whimper rose up on his lips. The violent trembling of the pole sent what water was left in the bucket splashing and trickling down, seeping into the new, deep wounds on his sides, making the lynx hybrid moan in pain.

After only a couple of seconds, Trivon increased the pressure in his jaw, burying his fangs deeper, careful not to swallow any of the hybrid's blood. It could be poisonous when taken too freely. Even a sip or two would make him ill. At the same time the half-demon twisted his fingers slightly in Aarykai's sides.

The hybrid cried out with overwhelming pain. His master didn't usually go so far simply because of his silence. This kind of punishment was usually reserved for real rebellion. Usually. He wanted to scream the oath, anything to end this pain, but with whatever was left of his strength he held it down, held down the begging pleas that were instants from his trembling lips, though a weak "P-p-please...." escaped his throat. Other then that, a whine of agony was the only sound accompanying his cry.

A sharp growl that had no heart behind it ripped from Trivon's throat and still the pressure increased, the pain flaring like white-hot fire in every vain of Aarykai's body.

Tears streaked down Aarykai's face in pain. "O-o-our M-master, T-Triv-von..." the beginning of the oath bubbled past Aarykai's lips, laced with panic and agony. He trembled tightly.

Just the smallest amount of pressure was released. The fangs stayed buried in his neck, but the jaws loosened and the fingers stopped twisting. "...H-hear us p-p-pray..." Aarykai whimpered.

Against, the pressure lessened. The fangs withdrew some, though not enough for him to heal himself. The clawed fingers did the same. The hybrid winced and moaned softly with pain, but the damage was done. "...W-watch o-over us... And g-guard u-us this d-day..."

The fangs were gone from his neck. The nipped and bit softly, but only enough to keep a set of small puncture wounds open. The claws drew out of his sides, tracing deep gouges only. Aarykai shuddered. "...Y-your wo-word is law..." he struggled a moment to find breath in his lungs, "...A-and w-we will ob-obey..."

His neck was allowed to heal as the fangs drew back completely, lips pressing gently over where the cruel wound had been. Only the claws continued to draw blood, but only in deep scratches now. "...Th-this day we are yo-yours... And w-with you we-we stay...." He trembled to a whispered finish, his head hung, tears still sliding down his cheeks, the pain of the needles returning as only a dull throbbing.

Trivon kissed gently down Aarykai's throat, his hands affectionately gliding down the lynx hybrid's spotted sides as the flesh finished repairing itself. "I'm sorry, Kai, my pet." He said quietly. "But you will learn. Or you will suffer."

Aarykai whimpered softly and rested his head against Trivon's shoulder. "Please let me down, master." He whispered, sorrow in his voice, again nuzzling his face against the half-demon's neck.

The blonde's human half wished something desperately that he could take Aarykai's punishments... even if it was he who was inflicting them. His heart ached and nearly shattered in his chest at how upset Aarykai sounded... but his affection showed that he was upset with himself, not Trivon. The half demon felt he didn't deserve it. Not one bit.

Before he loosened the ropes that bound his pet, he pulled out the stinging needles. It hurt, for about a moment, but in the blink of an eye Aarykai's body healed the tiny wounds. Then Trivon undid the knot beside the pole that held Aarykai so tightly bound.

The poor lynx hybrid stood for about a second on his own, then collapsed forward in defeat and exhaustion. Trivon was the only thing that kept him from meeting the ground painfully face-first. The blonde surged forward and caught the young hybrid, holding him protectively in his arms. The half demon carefully sat down, his back resting against the pole, and held his precious pet on his lap.

Though Trivon thought he might, Aarykai did not loose consciousness. He curled in on himself slightly and pressed close to his master, nuzzling his face affectionately against Trivon's neck and face, hands clutching slightly to the blonde's shirt.

It nearly brought Trivon to tears. "Ah, kitten, why do you rebel so much?" He whispered desperately, holding his lynx hybrid close to him.

Aarykai nudged Trivon gently under the chin with his nose, a weak smile playing over his delicate lips. "Because you hold me like this afterwards...." He said quietly.

Trivon buried his face into Aarykai's dark brown hair, tears sliding down his cheeks. "Damn it, Kai...." He murmured, holding Aarykai tightly.

The hybrid's face fell as he felt his master's tears touch his hair. He lifted his head and took the half-demon's face in both his hands, and gently kissed the tears away, whimpering apologetically. "I'm sorry, master.... Please don't cry...." He whispered.

The blonde's red eyes watched his hybrid carefully, his heart still aching. "Why do you do it, Aarykai? You know it hurts me, too. And I don't think you want to hurt me... do you?"

Aarykai's eyes widened with hurt. "No...." He gasped, then sighed and wrapped his arms around Trivon's neck, burying his face indo the hollow of his master's neck. "I have to." He said weakly. "I can't just be obedient, the perfect little pet. I can't. I just can't. That isn't my nature. I'm so, so sorry, master...."

Trivon knew Aarykai spoke the truth. That was all he could speak.... But his heart still ached terribly. "I guess I knew that when I bought you...." A sad smile tugged the corners of the blonde's lips.

The hybrid gave a rough kind of purr, giving his master's neck an affectionate lick with his rough tongue. "Are you mad at me?" He asked, his voice sorrowful and repentant.

The half-demon shook his head slowly. "Not now." He said quietly. He closed his eyes and covered his nose in the lynx hybrid's dark hair, inhaling his warm, earthy scent. He breathed out a soft sigh, the heat of his breath washing over Aarykai's neck. "Be with me tonight?" It was not a demand. It was a question. He left it up to Aarykai.

Holding a little more tightly to his master, Aarykai was silent for a moment. He would not loose pride in this.... It was not a command. It was his choice. Trivon would not take him by force, not even if he refused. Purring gently again, Aarykai nodded and then drew back slightly so that he could lean up and place a timid kiss on Trivon's lips. They did not break their kiss for several long seconds, and a warm silence gripped the Torture Grounds as a few rays of sunshine broke through the gray clouds above.

Silence wasn't golden. No one knew that better then Aarykai. It was blood red.

But that didn't mean it wasn't sometimes precious, too.
>.< I've been promising this to a friend for a looooong time.

The characters are hers. They belong to her story, "Troubled Pleasantries". ;) I told her a while ago I wanted to write a fiction for them, and I finally did it. ^^ Love the way it turned out, too.

Sorry, but I'm not going to type up an excuse for not posting my regular story right now. ((go to the bottom of the page for a little of it))

So, these are my favorite characters of my friend Heather. ;)
So far as I know, she has not posted any of her writing online on any sites, but I'm trying to talk her into joining devaintART or something so people can read her writing. ^^

This is my FAVORITE of her pairings!! Her mood-swinging Aarykai and rough-mannored Trivon.
The two have a very complicated, very painful relationship. Aarykai is something of a masochist, and he subconciously likes pain. Well, acctually, he likes the after-effects, not the actual pain infliction.
Trivon usually likes to inflict pain. It's one of his many macabre personality traits. Aarykai is the only living creature that Trivon doesn't like hurting. But Trivon is extreamly strict in the matter of following the rules. Even though he says there are no exceptions, he doesn't go as hard on Aarykai as he knows he would any other of his pets.
Aarykai is one of Trivon's seven hybrids. He has a dove (Uebios), a fox (Yerwon), a leopard (Sirmenon), a white tiger (Bellok), a hyena (Ulrav), a snake (Glalek), and- of course- a lynx, Aarykai. All of them are males.

The names a pretty simple, pretty much pronounced like they are spelled...:

Aarykai -- ahr-i-KIE
Trivon -- TRI-von

Yerwon -- Yer-WON
Ulrav -- UL-rav
Sirmenon -- ser-MEN-on
Uebios -- YOU-bee-ohes
Bellok -- bell-OCK
Glalek -- GLALE-eck

In case you have trouble picturing Aarykai, here's a little help:
He's a hybrid, so he looks human, but only in shape and size. Everything else is basically lynx. He's got a fine layer of fur over his entire body, though it thins out on his face. The fur has spots that run up his thighs and sides and then down his arms. He has a tail, but as a lynx, it's small, and usually pretty unnoticable. He has large ears, golden brown and tufted with black. His fur is also a golden brown, the spots are a darker brown, almost black. He has long claws on both his hands and his feet, and delicate feline fangs. His hazel green eyes are slitted, usually, like a lynx's would be. His hair is rather long, down to his shoulders, and a very dark brown that can sometimes be mistaken for black.

Trivon looks pretty basic. He's only half demon, so he looks all human. Except for his red eyes, of course. His claws, fangs, and horns only grow when he wants them to. He's got short, golden blonde hair.

Fanfiction (C) me

((ps >.< Yeah, Heather's real last name is Feather. She gets shit about it all the time. XP And yet, she still loves her name. *shakes head* I blame the parents. XD))

My Excuse For Those Who Feel They Must Know:
It's been... kinda hard lately, for a lot of reasons, but it's getting better.
In a nut shell- by boyfriend broke up with me after I found out he was SLEEPING with (not just dating, but sleeping with) one of my best friends. My mom and dad finally decided to actually get a divorce. My uncle is not doing good. My cousins are driving me crazy trying to make me feel better. A very close friend of the family died of a heartattack no more then two weeks ago.
It's been really, really hard, and I've had no inspiration over this time. Things are clearing up a little right now, and some of my inspiration is returning, but it's in little bursts. I'm trying not to dwell on anything too much, and it's kinda working, I think. Anyway, I got inspiration to finish this, and I did.
Sorry for no updates on what you really watch me to read, but it's slow going. I won't make any promises I can't keep, but I will promise that I am trying to get the next chapters of everything done soon.
Really, really sorry. I feel really, really bad. It's been a really, really bad month, but I feel like my fans are suffering some too. That's why I started the contest now.
^^; I hope you guys will forgive me.
© 2008 - 2024 IvanLovesHisAngel
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LionShallROAW's avatar
hey has your friend got an account yet? because I'd really like to read some of her stuff